NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-9
- J1939 Protocol
- J1708 (J1587) Protocol
- Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Support for mobile application to retrieve vehicle fault codes from active link
- Fault code notification automatically occurs on detection of change in monitored vehicle fault code data
- Support for client application to request immediate fault code update
- Discreet Parameters
- Command support for client to request specific parameter data at any time
- List of supported parameters provided with API specification
- Snapshot Parameter Lists
- Support for mobile client to configure a list of parameters to be stored on the ELD device and then retrieved during active BLE connection
- 15-minute periodic updates during BLE connection for configured list
- Support for client application to request immediate update parameter list
- List of supported parameters provided with API specification
NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-16
- J1939 Protocol
- OBD II CAN (ISO15765) Protocol
- Calculated engine hours If no ECM Support
- Log record parameter support with selectable raw data or PR-scaled format with the following information:
- GPS position and UTC time data
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- Engine serial number
- Odometer
- Engine hours
- Vehicle speed
- Automatic notification of each ignition key state change
- Automatic notification of each vehicle motion state change
- Automation data capture timeout notifications
NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELDs
Both NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELDs provide secure communications and firmware updates. Log record notifications automatically occur at 15-minute intervals, or can be requested immediately via the mobile client. The Blue-Link™ devices also support a fully-documented driver/device API for developing mobile apps to communicate with the ELD.
- The NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-9 is a 9-pin Electronic Logging Device (ELD).
- The NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-16 is a 16-pin Electronic Logging Device (ELD).
The NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-9 is supported by a range of accessories. For more information, and complete specifications, please visit the NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-9 product site at: https://www.nexiq.com/Product/Detail/EESM606
The NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-16 is supported by a range of accessories. For more information, and complete specifications, please visit the NEXIQ Blue-Link™ ELD-16 product site at: https://www.nexiq.com/Product/Detail/EESM607