Loan Tool Programmes

  • SBS Equipment Programmes work with global equipment manufacturers to source the best-in-class product for your requirement.
  • Our LTP typically delivers 75%-95% savings year-on-year compared to purchasing the same tools.
  • Rental prices start from as low as 10% of the cost of purchase including courier delivery and return.
  • We guarantee the quality and completeness of every tool and component at delivery.
  • Dedicated multi-lingual on-line easy-to-use tool booking scheduler.
  • LTP tool packaging consists of ultra-light, very strong flight-cases with foam inserts for complete tool and component protection throughout the programme life cycle.
  • Programme Reporting Metrics include tool usage and programme performance data and analysis.
  • Space saving - no need to store rarely-used tools on site.

SBS Loan Tool Programmes provide a fully-managed, complete peace of mind service that benefits OEMs and dealers alike for significant cost and space savings whilst meeting dealer standards.

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