PRISM - Bringing more Sales, to Aftersales!

  • Captures all dealer aftersales transactions to allow in-depth trend analysis
  • Monitors sell out of parts and labour from the dealer network by channel and customer type
  • Identifies opportunities for increasing parts and labour sales within the dealer network
  • Underpins parts sales trade programmes
  • Captures stock levels to provide a parts stock locater to help minimise VOR time
  • Automatic feed from DMS (Dealer Management System) ensures accuracy with minimal dealer intervention
  • Provides information to power CRM systems and improve customer retention
  • Easily identify which parts are needed to satisfy minimum stock levels at a given dealership
  • Flexible approach to analysing and reporting via user created dashboards.
  • Access to vehicle service and repair visits within the network

PRISM is a valuable aftersales reporting tool that allows OEMs and dealers to quickly see which areas can be improved in order to sell more parts and labour. Additionally, it can manage a trade programme or control any marketing campaigns needed to improve sales on a dealer-by-dealer basis, regionally, or even at the country level.


PRISM provides a user-friendly, structured method to analyse and report on aftersales transactions on a dealer-by-dealer basis.

The keys to PRISM’s success include a user-friendly interface and efficient, well-defined links to DMS (Dealer Management Systems), which makes it exceptionally easy to identify opportunities to increase sales.

DMS links and interfaces with dozens of providers around the world ensure that all data is received into PRISM in a standard, validated format. Because of the complexity and financial commitment needed to provide this level of automated integration, many of our competitors are unable to match our capabilities.

Although capturing data efficiently is vital, the true advantage is realised when we apply our many years of experience to present the user with key information that improves profitability.

PRISM can tell you:

  • Which retail customers are due for service, an annual check, or health check follow-up.
  • Workshop availability for upcoming weeks
  • Which optional items are due at the service (brake fluid, filters etc.)
  • Which trade customers are spending less than they spent previously or which are buying wear parts but not service parts. In fact, PRISM can list every part they purchase, and at what price.
  • Which parts are moving fast, slow, or have become redundant
  • Stocking levels of the dealer network
  • What is being sold by AOR (Area of Representation) for each dealer
  • What is happening with customer retention by dealer, region, and country.
  • What is being allocated to respective channels such as Warranty, Internal, Trade, Retail
  • Repair history of each vehicle along with visit frequency.
  • Parts replacement (failure) history across the network to assist with stocking levels
  • What the potential impact of a marketing campaign would be: do dealers have parts in stock to satisfy or will they need more?
  • What is happening with key indices via fully user configurable dashboards

PRISM can underpin:

  • The management of trade programmes, including registration and rebate calculation if required
  • In-house or partner CRM systems
  • Follow up marketing programmes
  • Targeted parts campaigns
  • Service (retail) campaigns
  • Purchase reward initiatives
  • Pretty much any system you run that needs dealer originated transactional data

As you can see, PRISM is feature-rich. Having this level of detail at your fingertips ensures that dealers and manufacturers can easily benefit from PRISM, and Bring more Sales, to Aftersales!